Noreen is a skilled and respected midwifery and nurse leader in Scotland. She has 40 years’ experience of working in the NHS, a career that has spanned clinical, managerial, education and policy roles.
Noreen was Nurse Director and Executive Lead for Clinical Governance within NHS National Services Scotland, helping to shape and apply policy at national, regional and local levels. As Nurse Director within this National Board, Noreen was their senior responsible officer for the ‘Excellence in Care’ Programme.
As UK Programme Director and strategic lead for ‘Midwifery 2020’, Noreen ensured delivery of a complex change management project across the four UK jurisdictions, on time and within budget.
At the end of 2020 Noreen completed an eight-year term as a Fitness to Practise registrant panel member and Chair with the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC), a role which has equipped her with considerable experience of professional regulation.
Noreen is passionate about the importance of the link between maintaining professional standards and behaviours and safeguarding the health and wellbeing of the public. She remains committed to placing the patient and client at the centre of care, striving always to improve quality and outcomes for patients and their families.
Noreen lives in Stirlingshire.
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