
Jersey’s Independent Care Regulator
Providing independent assurance, promoting best practice and improving health and social care outcomes for the people of Jersey.

Jersey’s Independent Care Regulator

Live Survey

Take part in an independent and confidential survey of your experiences of children’s social care and FNHC community nursing services in Jersey. This survey will help us to understand what is good and what needs to be improved and the results will be published as part of the inspection reports.

Please click here to take the survey

New Notification Form

The new notification form is live from 3rd July. Please click here for guidance. Please contact our team with any questions.


There are currently no live consultations

Single Assessment Framework

The Jersey Care Commission has produced a draft Single Assessment Framework relating to the regulation of Jersey General Hospital, Mental Health Services and Jersey Ambulance Services. The Single Assessment Framework is a fundamental set of standards, designed to set out how care services should be provided, across various sectors. 

New Notification Form​​

The new notification form is live from 3rd July. Please click here for guidance. Please contact our team with any questions.

What We Do

The Jersey Care Commission regulates and inspects services for both adults and children, provided by the Government of Jersey, Parishes, private providers and the voluntary sector to ensure that people receive high quality and safe care.

The services we regulate include, but will not be limited to, care homes providing nursing and personal care or personal support for people with a range of health and social care needs, care provided to people in their own homes, adult day care services and residential and other services for children and young people.

Our Purpose

Provide Independent Assurance

We provide the people of Jersey with independent assurance about the quality, safety and effectiveness of their health and social care services.

Promote Best Practice

We promote and support best practice in the delivery of health and social care by setting high standards and challenging poor performance.

Help Achieve Better Outcomes

We work with service users and their families and carers to improve their experience of health and social care and achieve better outcomes.

For the Public

Find out the different types of care providers we supervise.

Search our database of registered care services.

We carry out inspections of care services and report our findings.

Find out when and how to make a complaint.