Registration Date: | 01 January, 2019 |
Service Address: | La Rue de Huquet |
Parish: | St Martin |
Postcode: | JE3 6HE |
Telephone: | 01534 857843 |
Manager's Name: | Interim Manager |
Maximum number of care receivers: 22
Age range of care receivers: 55 years and above
Maximum numbers of care receivers to be accommodated in the following rooms:
Rooms 1-12 and 14-23 – one personDiscretionary Condition:
1) Ronceray Care Home may not provide support to any additional care receivers other than those who already reside within the home at the time that this condition is imposed.
This condition is to remain active until such time as the Commission is satisfied that:
(a) The internal investigation has concluded with outcomes and actions identified and completed;
(b) The Commission is assured that the interim management arrangements within the home are sufficient and sustainable;
(c) There is evidence that actions have been taken to improve practices within the home;
(d) Sufficient members of staff who have not completed the Level 2 Care Vocational Qualifications and specialised Dementia training, have commenced this training.
INSPECTION REPORTS Care Commission regulation officers carry out regular inspections at least annually of all registered services.
PROVIDER DETAILS The person, body or organisation who provides the service.
Service Provider Name: | Ronceray Care Home Limited |
Date Provider Registered: | 01 January, 2019 |